
At the court of the Aga Khan

Memories of the Costa Semralda

Di Paolo Riccardi
Prefazione di Sergio Berlinguer
The idea of Paolo Riccardi was to write a book upon leaving the Costa Smeralda, of which he had been the Director General for twenty-three years. A lawyer from Sassari and an immensely popular figure (details to follow), Riccardi was the hard-working Kissinger to the 49th Imam of the Ismailites; he was a manager brimming with enthusiasm who did not know the first thing about stock options, who throughout the Eighties successfully cultivated even the most difficult relationships between the Costa Smeralda Consortium and all of the regional and national institutions. A ´Stone-sick´ Sardinian, the Bravehearted lawyer (Riccardi is two meters tall) arrived at the court of the Aga Khan, his Sardinian court in the Pitrizza region, with a reputation as a peacemaker in family and company disputes in a family-centric, pre-industrial Sardinia. His is a biased, generous chronicle, but with notable moments of self-criticism. It is an unedited piece of Sardinian history.


This book is the chronicle of a great love, of a great undertaking, and of a visionary madness that changed the face of tourism across half of the world.

ISBN 9788871387772
Genere Personaggi
Anno 2014
Pagine 224
Formato 15 x 21 cm
Rilegatura Brossura con alette
Immagini / Illustrazioni 16 pagine con fotografie
Lingua Inglese, Italiano
Supporto Cartaceo

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